View our 2024 Workforce Program Fact Sheet
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The Workforce Development Program offers individualized employment services through four weeks of job readiness instruction. The students attend classes focused on goal setting, financial literacy, computer skills, communication skills, resume development, application assistance, and interview practice. After graduation, staff assists with job search and clients can choose to enter the Culinary Academy or Janitorial Program for hands-on instruction and training as a pathway to employment.
Workforce Development Program
The Workforce Program offers individualized employment services while working with existing community organizations to address other critical needs that impact employment. The program addresses the causes of underemployment and provides the skills needed to secure employment and remain employed. This is accomplished through the following program activities and components:
Assessment - a comprehensive and holistic approach to assessing a client’s strengths, interests, skills and barriers.
Employment Clinics - over 24 topics are included in the curriculum and include: reviews resume building, interview preparation, networking, motivation, conflict resolution, stress management, team building and many more.
Job Development - strategically partners with local businesses to match clients’ skills and interests to an employer with corresponding needs.
Employment Mentoring - provides support and coaching through the job search and job maintenance process. This relationship maximizes the likelihood of sustained, stable employment.
Workforce Development Certificate Program :: A four week job-readiness program for all clients in the Workforce Program. Participation and completion of this program is required for clients to participate in onsite interviews or job fairs. The Workforce Development Certificate Program is offered Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Interested individuals can call Workforce Development Operations Manager Patrick McCune at 216-631-4741 ext. 146.
After the completion of the Workforce Development Certificate Program, clients will have the option to participate in one-on-one job search assistance or the Alison Certificate Customer Service Program. Depending on the individual’s goals, clients will be assisted in enrollment in the new online High School Diploma/Career Certificate Program, which offers certification in Homeland Security, Food and Hospitality, Customer Service, Office Management, Childcare, Certified Commercial Driving, Protection Officer or general career preparation. These are identified by the State of Ohio as fields with a high demand.
Financial Literacy
Assists clients with navigating the process of establishing a bank account, creating budgets, improving credit record and saving money. Financial planning is an essential survival tool in today’s economic environment.
The staff of the Workforce Development Program is always looking to collaborate and partner with other organizations and potential employers. For more information contact: Workforce Development Operations Manager - Patrick McCune at 216-631-4741 x 146