The first step in this process is to complete an application.
Unfortunately, we are not accepting applications at this time.
If you have already submitted an application and received a confirmation that you are eligible, you may complete the next 3 steps.
If not, then you must wait until we are accepting applications again.
Thank you.
Please note: You must submit an application to determine your eligibility for this program prior to beginning any of the following steps listed on this page.
Click Here to Submit your Application
Keeping your child safe is a primary responsibility of being a parent. This program supports you in these efforts by providing safety education and safety items to include the following: Pack & Play, Crib, Stroller, Car Seat, High Chairs, Baby Monitors, Baby Gates and Childproofing kit.
Please complete the following 3 step process.
Step 1. Watch Videos
Step 2. Complete Quiz
Please complete this brief quiz after watching all three videos. You must answer 4 out of the 5 questions correctly to move on to step 3.
Click Here to Take the Quiz
Step 3. Schedule Appointment
Schedule your appointment to meet with WSCC Family Engagement Staff to create your Safety Support Items order. Currently, these appointments are via Zoom.
Important note about scheduling: If you are using your phone…
click on the scheduling link, then click on the lines at the top right of the screen, and
select “full site” to get a calendar of all the appointment options.
Click Here to Schedule your Appointment
Additional Safety Education and Program Resources
Disclaimer: The advertisements and their claims provided on the scheduling page and website are not endorsed, evaluated, or chosen by the West Side Catholic Center.
If you have questions or concerns, contact Jeanette Mazzola at
Funding provided in part or solely by