View our 2024 Resource Center Fact Sheet

The Resource Center emphasizes hospitality, welcoming all who come in need of our services.  Every individual who comes in need is served at no cost in a safe environment with dignity and respect.  

Monthly Calendar and Program Descriptions

Open six days a week, the Resource Center provides respite day shelter, as well as outreach, wellness and self-sufficiency programs.

  • Meals operate 6 days per week providing breakfast and lunches to over 150 people a day.

  • Monthly Food Distribution programming provides fresh produce through mobile pantry, and emergency food supplies through choice pantry.

  • Clothing and Household Items Distribution provides clothing, toiletries and household goods to over 2,000 people annually. Appointments are necessary.

  • Street Survival Services offers showers, telephones, mailboxes and emergency services to those living on the streets.

  • Outreach and Advocacy helps clients who seek housing, entitlements, substance abuse and mental health services, healthcare, legal assistance, identification recovery and specialized programming to overcome the effects of trauma.

  • Drug & Alcohol Assessments are offered at the West Side Catholic Center, by appointment. Please contact Loretta Gerhardt, LSW, LCDC III at (216) 631-4741 x 120 to schedule an appointment. See the program flyer here.

  • Expressive Arts (proudly supported by Cuyahoga Arts and Culture)programming is designed specifically to address consequences of trauma in the individual and facilitate healing.

As a social service agency providing food distribution, the West Side Catholic Center complies with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's non-discrimination policy. For further information regarding this policy click here.